API References 2.1

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API References 2.1

Post by Admin » 22 Jul 2009, 13:04

TrashMail References API Version 2.0

This is the second version of TrashMail'sl API documentation to write tools to use this service.
Note: This document has been written in this forum so that it can be also discussed by the TrashMail forum users.

Goal: TrashMail provides a simple Web API that programs could be written in an easy way to use the TrashMail service.

Creating a TrashMail address
To create a TrashMail address a HTTPS POST request must be made to the following URL with the following parameters.


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  • cmd: create-address = tell TrashMail-Server to create an address

    form_source: TrashMail user name to use. Its usually a random name with 8 caracters.

    form_domain: TrashMail user domain name to use. E.g. "trashmail.net", "rcpt.at"...

    form_dest: Destination email address.

    Number of redirections

    form_expire_days: How many days this account should be valid

    form_whitelisting: Enable or disable whitelisting. 0 = Disable Whitelisting, 1 = Disable Confirmation, 2 = Confirmation for every message, 3 = Confirmation + Whitelisting

    delete_msg_chk: 0 = don't notify me when the account has been deleted, 1 = notify when it has been deleted

    ext_url (optional): optional URL address parameter, when passed, then TrashMail server will store this URL. The Mozilla FireFox Add-On uses this that TrashMail members can remember where they created their email addresses. It will be displayed on the administration page and can not be modified once the TrashMail account has been created.

    create_submit: "Create disposable email address" = should be passed, that the server things the form create button has been pressed. Theoretically any value could be passed, but this parameter must be set.

    API: 1 = API has been used to create TrashMail account. 0 = API is not used. When the API is used, then TrashMail will only respond only in simple text mode without any kind of HTML tags. This should be easier for tools to parse the response.

    format: json = output would be in JSON format, example: {"status":"ok","source":"tmp_hgxlqi","domain":"trashmail.net","real":"[email protected]","nb_redirections":"4","expiry_date":-1,"user":"tmp_hgtlqi","password":"6m2HEAsdD0VgoT"}
Return values
The return values are included in a JSON structure in all cases.

1. On success:

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Return arguments:
$my_source: source name to confirm
$my_domainname: source domain name
$my_form_dest: destination email address
$my_days: days how long the account will be valid
$my_nb_forwards: how many forwards could be done with the account
$my_username: User name created on server
$my_password: Generated password from server

2. On error:
HTTPS responds with HTTP return code 200:

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Return arguments:
$error_string: error string
$error_code: error code id

List status about existing addresses
Trashmail: API request: https://ssl.trashmail.net/?api=1

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Parameters: Return values:
JSON or human viewable structure. Only the JSON structure is described here. Human view should ony be used for debugging.

On success:

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status: ok
addresses: JSON array: source: source_address, dest: real_email_address, nb_redirections: total_number_of_forwards, nb_redirections_used: number_of_forwards_used, expiry_date: unix_timestamp_date_of_expiration


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{"status":"ok","addresses":[{"source":"[email protected]","dest":"[email protected]","nb_redirections":"4","nb_redirections_used":0,"ctime":"-1","expiry_date":"-1"},{"source":"[email protected]","dest":"[email protected]","nb_redirections":"4","nb_redirections_used":0,"ctime":"-1","expiry_date":"-1"},{"source":"[email protected]","dest":"[email protected]","nb_redirections":"4","nb_redirections_used":0,"ctime":"-1","expiry_date":"-1"}]}
On error:
HTTPS responds with HTTP return code 200:

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Return arguments:
$error_string: error string
$error_code: error code id

Delete an address

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Parameters: On success:

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[{"status":"ok","reason":"account deleted","source":"[email protected]"}]
status: ok
reason: "account deleted" string
source: username with domainname @trashmail.net


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[{"status":"ok","reason":"account deleted","source":"[email protected]"}]
On error:
HTTPS responds with HTTP return code 200:

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Return arguments:
$error_string: error string
$error_code: error code id

Example how to use this API:
The Mozilla Firefox TrashMail Add-On version >= 2.0.0 uses the new API and provides a debugging possibility to see the communication between client and server.

Download Mozilla Firefox TrashMail Add-On at:

After installation, type in the address bar:

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Then set the variable trashmail.debugMode to 2.
If the variable does not exists, then add it.

From now on, each communication between the TrashMail Add-On and the TrashMail-server is logged in the error console of Mozilla Firefox.

Note that the HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) protocol must be used. The TrashMail web server refuses to create email addresses on the HTTP plain text mode to protect the privacy of the users.
Note also that the URL parameters must be encoded in URI format. I.e. in Javascript there is the function encodeURIComponent(var string) which does it.

Get realtime stats
The realtime stats have been recently added. Any tool could also get the realtime stats (refreshed every 5 seconds) by doing a HTTP or HTTPS GET request on

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The response is a line in text mode answer in the following format:
Example: 9609228:0.60
Which means that a total of 9609228 spam mails have been blocked and 0.60 spam mails per second as average (refreshed every 5 seconds) has been blocked.

API comments:
At any time this API could be discussed, improoved, changed etc. Simply write your comments or questions in this forum that everybody could share the different opinions.
Best regards,
Stephan Ferraro
Founder of TrashMail.com
CEO of Aionda GmbH

Posts: 1
Joined: 12 Dec 2009, 01:46

Re: API References 2.0

Post by Lobe » 12 Dec 2009, 01:50

I am having trouble with the delete API.
For example, I sent this to create my account (These are POST arguments to https://ssl.trashmail.net/):

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{'form_nb_redirections': '10', 'form_whitelisting': '0', 'format': 'json', 'form_expire_days': '10', 'cmd': 'create-address', 'create_submit': 'Create disposable email address', 'form_source': 'fymmcamdwl', 'api': '1', 'delete_msg_chk': '0', 'form_dest': '[email protected]'}
And got this response:

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{'status': 'ok', 'real': '[email protected]', 'domain': 'trashmail.net', 'nb_redirections': '10', 'source': 'fymmcamdwl', 'expiry_date': 1261442731, 'user': 'fymmcamdwl', 'password': 'AWmU82n2vLAG8M'}
Which all seems fine. However, when I ask the server to delete the email by sending this:

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{'api': '1', 'password': 'AWmU82n2vLAG8M', 'cmd': 'del', 'user': 'fymmcamdwl', 'format': 'json'}
I get this response:

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{'status': 'error', 'errorCode': 1000, 'reason': 'invalid user or password'}
What am I doing wrong?

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Re: API References 2.0

Post by Admin » 12 Dec 2009, 09:41

Lobe wrote:What am I doing wrong?
Try to replace the keyname "password" by "passwd".

If you want to understand better how all this works, you could install the TrashMail.net Firefox Add-On, then type "about:config" in the browser, and set the variable "trashmail.debugMode" to 2. Then open in Firefox the "Error console" and try to use the TrashMail.net Firefox Add-On. You will see in the error console all network operations between the Add-On and the TrashMail.net web server.

A delete operation would look like this:

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Trashmail: API request: https://ssl.trashmail.net/?API=1
	user=[string] tmp_fdgqik
	passwd=[string] 6hTVboroSDiQQ5
	cmd=[string] del
	format=[string] json

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Trashmail: API response: 200:[{"status":"ok","reason":"account deleted","source":"[email protected]"}]
Best regards,
Best regards,
Stephan Ferraro
Founder of TrashMail.com
CEO of Aionda GmbH

Posts: 3
Joined: 27 Jun 2009, 18:30
Location: London, UK

Re: API References 2.1

Post by missinglink » 18 Apr 2010, 19:16

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    * Trashmail API ver 2 PHP Class
    * Used to create, list, delete Trashmail addresses
    * @name Trashmail API ver 2 PHP Class
    * @description Used to create, list, delete Trashmail addresses
    * @version 2
    * @author Peter Johnson
    * @email [email protected]
    * @license Free
    * @example
      $tm = new Trashmail();
      $result = $tm->create( "test439957", "rcpt.at", "[email protected]" );
      $result = $tm->listAddresses( array( "[email protected]" ), "[email protected]" );
      $result = $tm->delete( "[email protected]", "eyQ03ZuEBUwXfU" );
      print_r( $result );
    * @more
      $tm = new Trashmail( true ); // Unlimited forwards and expiry.
      $result = $tm->create( "test439957", "rcpt.at", "[email protected]" );
      print_r( $tm->getHttpInfo() ); // Return information about the CURL request.
      var_dump( $tm->getUserAgent() ); // Output the user agent string you used.
      var_dump( $tm->getRequest() ); // Output the request string you sent.
      var_dump( $tm->getRawResponse() ); // Output the raw response string.

    final class Trashmail
       private $url = "https://ssl.trashmail.net/?api=1";
       private $curl;
       private $post;
       private $request;
       private $response;
       private $useragent;
       private $httpinfo;
       private $unlimited;

       final public function __construct( $unlimited = false )
           $this->unlimited = is_bool( $unlimited ) && $unlimited;

       final public function create( $alias = "a", $domain = "trashmail.net", $to = "[email protected]", $redirect = 10, $expire = 7, $notify = true, $whitelist = 0 )
          $this->setData( "cmd", "create-address" );
          $this->setData( "form_source", $alias );
          $this->setData( "form_domain", $domain );
          $this->setData( "form_dest", $to );
          $this->setData( "form_nb_redirections", $this->unlimited ? "-1" : $redirect );
          $this->setData( "form_expire_days", $this->unlimited ? "-1" : $expire );
          $this->setData( "form_whitelisting", $whitelist );
          $this->setData( "delete_msg_chk", $notify ? 1 : 0 );
          $this->setData( "create_submit", "Create disposable email address" );
          return $this->query();

       final public function listAddresses( $addresses = array(), $to = "[email protected]" )
          $this->setData( "cmd", "list-addresses" );
          foreach( $addresses as $k => $v ) $this->setData( "addresses[".$k."]", $v );
          $this->setData( "dest", $to );
          return $this->query();

       final public function delete( $to = "[email protected]", $password = "pass" )
          $this->setData( "cmd", "del" );
          $this->setData( "user", $to );
          $this->setData( "passwd", $password );
          return $this->query();

       final private function clearData(){ $this->post = array( "format" => "json" ); }
       final public function setData( $id, $val ){ $this->post[ $id ] = $val; }
       final public function getHttpInfo(){ return $this->httpinfo; }
       final public function getUserAgent(){ return $this->useragent; }
       final public function getRequest(){ $this->flattenPost(); return $this->request; }
       final public function getRawResponse(){ return $this->response; }

       final private function flattenPost()
           $this->request = "";
           foreach( $this->post as $k => $v )
               $this->request .= $k . "=" . rawurlencode( (string) $v ) . "&";
           $this->request = substr( $this->request, 0, -1 );

       final private function catchErrors()
          if( !isset( $this->httpinfo["http_code"] ) || $this->httpinfo["http_code"] != 200 ) throw new Exception( "Request error" );
          else if( $this->response === false ) throw new Exception( "Curl error: " . curl_error( $this->curl ) );
          else if( empty( $this->response ) ) throw new Exception( "Response empty");

       final public function setUserAgent( $agent = NULL )
           if( $agent === NULL )
               $curlVersion = curl_version();
               $this->useragent = "Trashmail PHP Client/0.1";
               $this->useragent .= " (php:" . PHP_VERSION;
               $this->useragent .= isset( $curlVersion["version"] ) ? "; curl:" . $curlVersion["version"] : "";
               $this->useragent .= ")";
           else $this->useragent = $agent;

       final public function query()
          $this->curl = curl_init( $this->url );

          curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
          curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->getUserAgent() );
          curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY );
          curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false );
          curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false );
          curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1 );
          curl_setopt( $this->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->getRequest() );

          $this->response = curl_exec( $this->curl );
          $this->httpinfo = curl_getinfo( $this->curl );

          return json_decode( $this->response );


Re: API References 2.1

Post by XopHeT » 31 Aug 2011, 13:33

Hello everybody!
Where i can see all of errorcodes and their description that API may return?

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Posts: 1353
Joined: 16 Jun 2006, 08:55
Location: Germany

Re: API References 2.1

Post by Admin » 03 Oct 2011, 14:19

XopHeT wrote:Hello everybody!
Where i can see all of errorcodes and their description that API may return?
It the new API which will be the 3.0 API. I will post an official PDF document when I have translated it to english.
I will do it soon.
Best regards,
Stephan Ferraro
Founder of TrashMail.com
CEO of Aionda GmbH

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